Wireless speakers m. Microphone, light blue
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< JSACTION = "AGOMJF: PFBCW; USXOMF: AWLT7; JHKSD: P7O7BD, f8dmgf; Q4ago: Gm7Gyd, Qakmyb; Ufucpb: Pvnm0e, PFE8HB, PFBC; C; ZDMJQC: CCQNKB, ZJSZZ, ZCHEXC ; YTRRJ: JJDVDC; TNR8YC: GEFVJB; OFN6YE: Hij5wb; BMEZHC: iurhpf; Oxj3xe: Qakmyb, Yaf12d "JSNAME =" TXFAF "CLASS = JLQJ4B" DATA "Data-Language Translate-not = "Da" Data-Phrase index = "0" Data-Number-of-phrases = "1" JCONCONTERS = "ZL5N8" JDATA = "UQLSIF; _; $ 161" JMODEL = "SSMKHD" STYLE = "-- WebKIT-TAP-HIGHLIGHT COLOR: Transparent; "> Wireless speakers with microphone-light blue
You will get joy and song in your home when you buy this Speaker with microphone! The speaker and your child can create the coolest concert at home. So if your child loves to sing, the speaker helps make the child a pop star.
When buying the speaker includes 10 3D stickers that can Put on the speaker or something else.
- Height: 26 cm
- Width: 18.5 cm
- Length: 10 cm
- Color: Light blue
Party at home
The speaker is ready to start the home. The speaker is Bluetooth so your child can put on his favorite songs and sing in the microphone. In addition, your child can turn on the eco effect and feel that he/she is on stage at a wild concert. The microphone Is not wireless but wired.
The speaker's battery life is up to 5 hours, so it can hold to many concerts! Not enough, the speaker can also easily be moved around. This means that your child can hold a concert in all rooms, in the garden for the slightly warmer days or follow along on a trip to the summer cottage, to a friend or to the grandparents' house.
To make the speaker a little cooler you can play into yourself while you sing! Just press "Rec" and you record yourself when you sing. You can also pause the music or flush forward and backward. This way you can also control the sound on the speaker and how much echo to be applied.
The speaker's smart look
The speaker has a very special appearance. It has a beautiful light blue color that catches the eye. The smart thing about the speaker is that it has a handle which allows your child to carry the speaker. This allows your child to go around and sing while he/she has the speaker in hand.
As you put on the speaker, you do it on its back, where you also connect the microphone. span>
You will get joy and song in your home when you buy this Speaker with microphone! The speaker and your child can create the coolest concert at home. So if your child loves to sing, the speaker helps make the child a pop star.
When buying the speaker includes 10 3D stickers that can Put on the speaker or something else.
- Height: 26 cm
- Width: 18.5 cm
- Length: 10 cm
- Color: Light blue
Party at home
The speaker is ready to start the home. The speaker is Bluetooth so your child can put on his favorite songs and sing in the microphone. In addition, your child can turn on the eco effect and feel that he/she is on stage at a wild concert. The microphone Is not wireless but wired.
The speaker's battery life is up to 5 hours, so it can hold to many concerts! Not enough, the speaker can also easily be moved around. This means that your child can hold a concert in all rooms, in the garden for the slightly warmer days or follow along on a trip to the summer cottage, to a friend or to the grandparents' house.
To make the speaker a little cooler you can play into yourself while you sing! Just press "Rec" and you record yourself when you sing. You can also pause the music or flush forward and backward. This way you can also control the sound on the speaker and how much echo to be applied.
The speaker's smart look
The speaker has a very special appearance. It has a beautiful light blue color that catches the eye. The smart thing about the speaker is that it has a handle which allows your child to carry the speaker. This allows your child to go around and sing while he/she has the speaker in hand.
As you put on the speaker, you do it on its back, where you also connect the microphone. span>